Sie befinden sich hier
Associate professor at the “University Medical Centre Mannheim, University Heidelberg, Germany”
Title: „Molecular analysis of invasive fungal infections and detection of resistance mutations“ (Prof. Dr. W.-K. Hofmann)
Venia Legendi for “Molecular Medicine”.
Since 2000
Research assistant (Hematology / Oncology) at the scientific laboratory of the third Department of Internal Medicine, Mannheim University Hospital, University of Heidelberg
Parental leave from 2002-2004 und from 2007-2010.
1996 – 2000
PhD; doctoral thesis: »Transcriptional regulation of the conjugate export pumps MRP2 and MRP3« at the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Dietrich Keppler) / University of Heidelberg
1995 – 1996
Diploma thesis: »Construction of genomic libraries and isolation of genomic DNA sequences of the canalicular isoform of the human Multidrug Resistance Protein (cMRP)« at the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Dietrich Keppler) / Technical University Kaiserslautern (Prof. Dr. John Cullum)
1991 – 1996
Biology at the »Technical University Kaiserslautern«; University diploma 1996
1978 – 1991
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany; High School diploma 1991
Sprechstunden und Termine
Ambulanter Termin
Telefon 0621/383-2855

Priv.-Doz. Dr. sc. hum.
Birgit Spiess
Telefon 0621/383-71301
Telefax 0621/383-71331
E-Mail: birgit.spiess@