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Principle Investigator

Preclinical 3D models of MDS and AML

Dr. sc. hum. Eva Altrock


Fields of expertise

  • Improvement of MDS modelling
  • 3D Ossicle model as an alternative method
  • 3D in vitro cell culture of MDS MSCs and HSPCs
  • (PhD students: : cand. med. Ann-Christin Belzer, cand. med. Julia Fahle, cand. med. Jan Sütterlin)

Preclinical testing of novel therapeutic substances

Dr. sc. hum. Nanni Schmitt

M. sc. Lisa Burger


Fields of expertise

  • Generation of MDS models to be used as pre-clinical platforms, and their further optimization
  • Pre-clinical assessment of NK cell based therapies for treatment of AML and high-risk MDS
  • PhD students: cand. med. Alexandra Beck, Teresa Klink und Meret Hahn


Fields of expertise

  • Preclinical test systems to charactarize myeloid neoplasia

Investigations of the pathomechanism of myeloid neoplasms

Dr. sc. hum. Vladimir Riabov

M. sc. Alessa Klär

M.Sc.Ling Ma


Dr. med. Qingyu Xu


Fields of expertise

  • Role of MSC/HSC crosstalk in the pathogenesis of myeloid neoplasms (MDS and MPN), molecular studies (Vladimir Riabov and Alessa Klär) 
  • R-loops mediated replication stress as a novel therapeutic target in MDS with splicing factor mutations (Vladimir Riabov and MD student: Marie Demmerle)
  • Investigation of the role of BM microenvironment in MDS (Vladimir Riabov and Alessa Klär)


Fields of expertise

  • Role of MSC/HSC crosstalk in the pathogenesis of myeloid neoplasms (MDS and MPN), molecular studies (Vladimir Riabov and Alessa Klär) 
  • Investigation of the role of BM microenvironment in MDS (Vladimir Riabov and Alessa Klär)


Phone 0621- 383- 71310

Fields of expertise

  • Role of Erythroferrone (ERFE) in the patho-mechanism of MDS (with V. Riabov)
  • analyzing the biological ERFE effects on the bone marrow microenvironment (BMME) (with V. Riabov)

Molecular analysis of myeloid neoplasms

Dr. med. Alexander Streuer


Fields of expertise

  • Next Generation Sequencing (RNA sequencing, whole exome sequencing, single-cell RNA sequencing)
  • Pipelines for the analysis of clonal alterations of leukemic cells
  • “Radiomics”- the role of spatial sampling for Contact: therapy decisions and outcome

Scientific Management/ Study Coordination

Dr. rer. med. Felicitas Rapp


Fields of expertise

  • Management of research projects
  • Administration of funding
  • Preparation of new clinical studies
  • Coordination of ongoing studies


Verena Nowak

Faculty board member

Iris Palme

Julia Obländer

Fields of expertise

  • Research projects
  • Clinical Routine: Cell culture, FACS, PCR
  • Biosampling

Elena Speck B.Sc.

Nadine Weimer

(parental leave)

Nadine Vo


Phone + 49 621/383-71313
Fax +49 621/383-71329

Clinical studies

  • Innovative novel therapies
  • Clinical studies for patients with myelodysplastic neoplasia or leukemia
  • Close interaction with scientists: “from bench to bedside”
  • Contact: Prof. Wolf-Karsten Hofmann